Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finding the Abundant Life

It has been 109 days, 7 countries, and a thousand new experiences since our family began our travels we have titled ‘Campbell’s World Tour’. We have had the adventure of a lifetime and have seen and partook of so many different experiences that it will take years to revisit most of these memories.
We had set out on this journey to see how the other half of the world’s population lives and to witness what God’s children are up to in these third world countries. From the get go we took an attitude that we would learn from others in hopes of broadening our perspectives. So what have we learned? RELATIONSHIPS MATTER! If there is one thing people in poverty excel at it is the ability to be in community and that has really opened our eyes in how we view life.
At the end of a day our family will often discuss and give thanks to the Lord for what we thought were the highlights of that day. Time and time again it was the people we engaged life together with. These people, whether they be new or old friends have paved our way throughout this trip with their time, homes and prayers. Our family has witnessed what it is to be ‘Christian’ and we have received with thanksgiving the generosity of so many. Without a doubt the greatest gift Jesus has passed down to us while we live this life is the gift of being in relationship. It is through relationships that we have the opportunity to really enjoy an abundant life.
My prayer is that those who have followed our adventure will grow in their love for Jesus and will express that love by the way in which they care for others.


Dr. Ed Smyth said...

My life has been blessed and encouraged by what you have seen, what you have experienced and how you all have learned so much. I can't wait to ask you, Kurt, what was the ONE thing, out of all the experiences, that will have impacted your life the most. Just give you something to think about. You all have been prayed for and again, I trust you are aware, and you probably are not completely, of the impact that this will have on your lives, for the rest of your lives and we who come along side of you, will also benefit from your experience! You are all loved,


The Lessley's said...

Dearest Campbells- We have loved reading your entries during the World Tour! You have shared a wonderful view of the world through your words and pictures. You are an inspiration to our family!! Looking forward to seeing you soon - The Lessley's

Dr. Ed Smyth said...

Wow, you are coming back and I will look forward to sharing over breakfast. Your trip has, indeed, blessed me in watching you following your heart, taking your family with you and letting them be impacted as God has shown you so many things.
